Let’s Do 52! Exploration
What a week it’s been! After a total runaround trying to buy my new camera from company after company that was sold out and back ordered, I got a very unexpected phone call from the first company (pcnation.com– AWESOME customer service!) that my long awaited camera was coming after all!! It finally arrived yesterday and I had in my mind that I was going to read the owner’s manual from cover to cover before using it. And then I said “screw that” and just started shooting. I’m BEYOND in love! I feel like it’s connected to my brain and I can finally, finally after over a decade of doing photography as a hobby, look at my pictures and be truly happy with them. So this week’s theme is a bit of a stretch but hey, what did you expect?
Before I get into that, I have to also say it’s been a real Andrew week. He’s been so patient and accepting of Allison since she arrived and never has shown even a hint of jealousy but over the last few weeks we started to notice his behavior was on a sharp decline and I think it had a lot to do with not having enough Mommy and Daddy attention. So Thursday, when A randomly decided to surprise Andrew by taking him to a Rays game, and Saturday when, thanks to the great idea of a great friend, we decided to go on a Mommy/Son double date, Andrew finally got some good QT with us that I think was badly needed– for all of us. We all had a ball and it served as a good reminder to us that each kid needs his or her own special time with us just as much as we need it with them.
But on the Allison front, much has happened as well. We’ve discovered she is quite the tomboy and we are perfectly happy with that. She doesn’t mind the dresses and frills (yet) but don’t bother her with a doll because she likes Andrew’s Bat Cave, the train table, and the Hotwheels cars beyond anything more age and gender appropriate. She also doesn’t mind getting dirty. At all. I took her outside to play with my new camera and took just a few shots. She loved the grass and would have been happy to eat the dirt all evening if I let her! So while I explored my new camera, she explored our yard. I couldn’t be happier with these quick snapshots. What do you think?
Sometimes, you’ve just got to make the stretch. 😉
I’m so jealous of your new toy–not that I’m anywhere near ready for a camera like that yet. I need a “My first DSLR” at the moment. 😉
Also, because I can’t say this enough, your kids are goregous inside and out.