And Today’s Topic Is…
Today’s journal topic in my language class was Tell me about something you’ve done for someone else. I only had two conditions for the response. The first was that it could not be something that someone had asked you to do, it had to be out of the goodness...
Happy Valentines Day You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Out
Never schedule a dentist appointment for a holiday. I was fortunate enough, back in October, to get a dentist appointment for Feburary. “Woohoo” I thought, “Only a 4 month wait!” Of course, at that point in time I was decorating pumpkins for Halloween and watching the leaves change (ok...
Still Here
Eh, I don’t know where the days go anymore. It seems like all I do is work and sleep work and sleep. I know somehow that that’s not truly the case but I can’t seem to figure out where the rest of the time goes. Anyway, keep on checkin’...
Alrighty, not too bad. I got myself a brand spankin’ new layout!! I’m very proud of this one because I did 90% of the changes through css which was time consuming at the time but made things much easier tonight. More importantly however, the photographs of the purple hydrangea...
In Transition
If you happen to be stopping by right now and this is the top post, then what you’re seeing is probably a mess. I’m in the process of changing the layout so it looks funny but check back soon for something new 🙂...
I love surprise days off. Not that this was a total surprise. I mean, Monday is in fact Martin Luther King Day and I knew I had it off. I just didn’t realize that the holiday Monday was this coming Monday. And this is comming right when I reallllllly...
2005: A Year in Review
I should have known when the clock struck midnight, signaling the close of 2004 and the arrival of 2005, just what kind of a year this would be. We’d spent the evening with friends in Maryland, watched the Gators lose but overall, had a wonderful time. Shortly after midnight...
A Few Changes
It’s that time of year again…. well, I can’t really say again. Afterall, December 16th was the one year anniversary of Yes, it was that day that I thought to myself, “Self, what the heck, you too, can have a domain” And I think now about what i’d...
Merry Christmas
No political correctness here! Merry freakin’ Christmas. Allow me a moment to get on my soapbox and announce that this whole political correct holiday thing is utter and complete garbage. I’ve not yet talked to one person that actually has a problem with calling a Christmas tree as such....
Happy Thanksgiving
Well, we made our first Thanksgiving meal today. It was fun. Not fun like shopping with someone else’s credit card fun but more, fun like washing every pot I own 3 times. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. Spending time with family is always great and that I mean sincerely....