Christmas 2010
Elegant Lace Snowflakes Christmas Card Make a statement with Shutterfly Christmas photo cards. View the entire collection of cards....
An Idea for New Moms
When I was planning Andrew’s nursery, I had this idea that I needed tons and tons of crib sheets. We ended up getting 5 of the same sheet. (As it turns out this is completely unnecessary– 2 are needed, 3 tops). So what to do with the extra sheets?...
The Other Side of Special Ed
Today is a kind of ironic day. You see, this blog has evolved into not your average mommy blog because I talk a whole lot (in the earlier entries) about being a teacher and I’m a special education teacher so it has that twist to it too… but I’m...
Photo Album…
…is now functional. Check it out!...
Andrew’s 2nd Birthday Portraits
It’s Birthday MONTH here in our house and everywhere I look there are reminders of the wonderful birthday celebration we held for Andrew on Saturday. We decided to have it a little early since his birthday will likely always be the weekend before school starts. Here are some pictures...
When you take on big projects, you learn a little bit more about yourself. Like, for example, when I started my Master’s program, I questioned my strength to finish. When I decided to bake an Elmo cake for Andrew’s 2nd Birthday party, I questioned my patience, and when I...
Well I Got This Far
Deleted everything, downloaded the latest version, uploaded, reinstalled database with all my old posts, and voila! It’s all here. Now I have to make it look like ME 🙂...
Building a New Empire
I’m tired of my current blog. I feel like my life has changed so much since I started it and while I’m very proud of it, it represents an old me. Here’s a crack at a new me in the form of a new web presence....
My Little Road Warrier AKA Road Trip 2010!
As usual I have not updated in quite some time and as usual I accept the fact that I have very few, if any readers and this documentation is more for me than anything. We just got home after an 11 day road trip with an almost 2 year...
Transitions Part 2
So this is the continuation of my graduation story which begins in the post below. Even if you don’t feel like reading all of it there are some cute pictures– scroll down. Before I start on the next part of the story, I saved one other picture because I...