2005: A Year in Review
I should have known when the clock struck midnight, signaling the close of 2004 and the arrival of 2005, just what kind of a year this would be. We’d spent the evening with friends in Maryland, watched the Gators lose but overall, had a wonderful time. Shortly after midnight...
Merry Christmas
No political correctness here! Merry freakin’ Christmas. Allow me a moment to get on my soapbox and announce that this whole political correct holiday thing is utter and complete garbage. I’ve not yet talked to one person that actually has a problem with calling a Christmas tree as such....
Happy Thanksgiving
Well, we made our first Thanksgiving meal today. It was fun. Not fun like shopping with someone else’s credit card fun but more, fun like washing every pot I own 3 times. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. Spending time with family is always great and that I mean sincerely....
Cheap Gas?
I remember when gas was less than $1.00 a gallon. Yeah yeah I know about all you people out there who laugh at my youth while thinking back to the days of 50 cent gasoline, or 15 cent gasoline, or, hell, the horse and buggy days. But back when...
A Decent Day (for a change)
After a couple of fairly crap filled weeks, I finally stumbled upon what has been, atleast so far, a pretty decent day. Here’s what happened: Rolled out of bed late, showered and did my nails. Since it was a professional day I got to wear jeans and flip flops–...
A Prayer for the World
**I can’t take credit for this. But I find it to be fitting, especially right now** A Prayer for the World Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt,...
Taking a Stand
I’m taking a stand. I’m writing my government officials. I’m fighting for the minds of children everywhere. That’s right. Something MUST be done! I’m sick to death of intentionally misspelled words, backwards letters and otherwise unfortunate, poor examples of the English language....
Something New
It’s ironic to write this post on Sept 11. Four years ago as we all watched the events unfold it felt, for me atleast, like there would never be another day like Sept 10th. I believed that we’d never get past it, move on, and feel secure again....
A New Day
I fear we live in a new day of infamy. Nearly 4 years ago our world changed. When one mentions the numbers 9/11 no one questions on which eleventh of September one is referring. And yet, we have a new day. The 29th of August will be remembered this...
Small World
You know how if you leave for work at the same time every day, you start seeing the same people on the road? Every now and then I see a car I recognize and usually it is because it has some sort of memorable marking or an amusing bumper...