Author: EMB

Let’s Do 52! Anything Goes

Ah gender roles. Such a wannabe taboo subject for children. You find parents are either one way or the other- either they discourage play with toys designated for the opposite gender or they embrace it. There is little in-between. I count myself among the latter. I could not be...

Let’s Do 52! Un-Scripted

Well this may look a little different than usual. I typically try not to use posed photos for this project because that would be through my eyes and not my kids’ which is the point. But I took around 300 pictures this week and this is the one I...

Let’s Do 52! Sharing

Meet Bella, my beautiful niece! She may as well be Andrew’s sister since from the time she was born they shared a nanny and spent all day every day together up until Andrew went to school. But as cousins and neighbors (my brother and sister-in-law live only 4 houses...

Let’s Do 52! Daddy

I’ll admit, some weeks I have to purposely take a picture for this project. It’s not that I don’t take a lot of pictures, I do. It’s just that not all of them tell the story I’m trying to tell here. Well we just got back from Disney World....

Not Your Ordinary Breastfeeding Article

I probably come across 4-5 new articles on breastfeeding each day and they are pretty much all the same– Breastmilk is best… yadda yadda… You should do it until your child is 8… yadda… if you do your child will be Prom King…blah blah… you should feel free to...

Let’s Do 52! Home

Seven years ago today, A and I moved into this house. So clearly I remember that day. We signed the closing papers and went straight to Home Depot to pick up our blinds and paint. We started moving in immediately. Our first house! What an exciting day! Maybe buying...

Let’s Do 52! Motion

My baby girl. My long awaited baby girl. How can she really be 6 1/2 months old already?How can she really be moving, scooting, rolling and yes even a bit of crawling (backwards) trying to explore every new thing she can get her hands on? Wasn’t I just pregnant?...

How to Nap With Children

I used to think about how lucky stay at home moms were to be able to take naps during the day. Now that I’m home with kids and not working, I’ve gotta tell you it’s not quite that simple but in a few easy steps you too, can master...

Pin This

I’m addicted to Pinterest but it irks me that I never think of any of the cool ideas first. Well I don’t know if this is original or not but I was pretty pleased with myself for thinking it up and figured hey, might as well share. So you...

Let’s Do 52! Taking Chances

I had a hard time selecting a picture this week but what it came down to was this one and one of Andrew playing violin at his recital. Thankfully both captured the idea I was looking for– you’ve gotta take risks. You’ve gotta put yourself out there and do...