Author: EMB

Let’s Do 52! Firsts

First airplane ride, first college football game, first time seeing mountains, first time seeing snow, seeing where Daddy went to college. This past weekend was full of firsts for my kiddos. They got to do things that I (short of the first airplane ride) didn’t get to do until...

Let’s Do 52! Just Because

I’ve tried to tell a story of life in our family. I tried to tell it through the eyes of my kids but it quickly evolved into my interpretation of life for all of us. This week was a pretty “blah” week in our lives. Work, school, feed people,...

Let’s Do 52! Friendship

Once upon a time, not terribly long ago, there were two families. The families were friends who lived near one another and attended the same church. The families shared a unique connection by being God Parents to each others children. Way back when, one mom gave birth to a...

Let’s Do 52! In Training

Can you even imagine how happy this makes me? BOTH of my kids think cameras are cool! So cool in fact that in an entire bucket of dumped out toys, Allison went for Andrew’s digital camera and only the camera. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery right? Well...

Receipt Diary

I’m one of those people who keeps the receipt for most everything I buy. I store them in a box and then when the box starts overflowing I go through and trash the ones that I don’t need to keep anymore. This amounts to almost all of them. After...

Gardening 101

I have just enough knowledge to be ridiculously overconfident in my gardening abilities. A year and a half ago my school was the first garden planted as part of Miracle Grow’s Gro100 I watched pretty carefully to see everything the experts did to help us get our garden started...

Let’s Do 52! Growing Up

Once upon a time, in those days before I had children, my concept of busy was 3 loads of laundry instead of 2 (TWO! Can you imagine?!?!) or needing to vacuum and swiffer the floors. Gone are those days. But that’s okay, life is more exciting now too! So...

Let’s Do 52! Smashing

It’s the milestones that make me think about what wasn’t supposed to happen. Or at least, was very unlikely to. As I’ve mentioned in the past, Allison is a perfect example that ordinary miracles (or extraordinary in our hearts and minds) happen every day. Allison, the baby doctors said...

Let’s Do 52! Sharing

It’s birthday central around here! It’s also back to school central. So between those two things I’ve gone through about 18 pages of to-do lists over the last week. We’re one party successfully in the memory book with one to go. I usually try to mentally plan out my...

Let’s Do 52! Leaps

When I first heard about The Wonder Weeks, I thought it must be a total gimmick. For those not familiar with the concept, the wonder weeks are age predictable leaps in the cognitive development if infants. They are predictable to the point where you can look at a calendar...