Author: EMB

Taking a Stand

I’m taking a stand. I’m writing my government officials. I’m fighting for the minds of children everywhere. That’s right. Something MUST be done! I’m sick to death of intentionally misspelled words, backwards letters and otherwise unfortunate, poor examples of the English language....

Something New

It’s ironic to write this post on Sept 11. Four years ago as we all watched the events unfold it felt, for me atleast, like there would never be another day like Sept 10th. I believed that we’d never get past it, move on, and feel secure again....

A New Day

I fear we live in a new day of infamy. Nearly 4 years ago our world changed. When one mentions the numbers 9/11 no one questions on which eleventh of September one is referring. And yet, we have a new day. The 29th of August will be remembered this...

Small World

You know how if you leave for work at the same time every day, you start seeing the same people on the road? Every now and then I see a car I recognize and usually it is because it has some sort of memorable marking or an amusing bumper...

I *heart*

There are very few things in this world that I could not live without. My family and friends (cats included) are the most important things (people) in my life. I try really hard not to be caught up in material things. But lets face it, things are fun. So...

Yeah, yeah, i’m still here…

Alright, I’m around. But it’s been busy. Very busy. School started last week for teachers and on Monday for students. Let’s just say it hasn’t been going as smoothly as any of us would have liked. It’s going to be a tough year. For lack of a better point...

Traffic Rant

I’m going to take the next few lines of space to protest. You’ve been warned. So yesterday I had to go out to run an errand. It so happened that I needed something from Staples and felt it was important to do it fairly early before school got out....


Ok I just really liked my old banner better so I fixed it up by adding a Quotes link and went back to the original. I think I just like the colors better. Orange and Blue only really go together beautifully when they are accompanied by the head of...

Theories on Harry Potter

Now that i’ve spent the better part of the last 2 weeks rereading the first 5 Harry Potter books of the series, I have a few observations to discuss before Friday at midnight when the 6th book comes out....

New Design

I’m sure you’ll notice that I made a new banner for the page. I tried to adjust all the other pages to adapt the colors but it all just looked off so I decided to stick with the original colors which I like very much. And as far as...