Author: EMB

Previous Post

Nevermind the crack headedness of the previous post. If you’ll just go to your nearest window and look outside you’ll notice that it’s a full moon right now. It is scientifically proven that full moons make children into posessed demons. I know what you’re thinking, “There’s no such study!”...


Who will be the 600th hit on my counter? I’m actually really impressed by this and as I’ve said before, none of my visits to my own page (to check the upload or whatever) count towards that number. And considering I don’t post a link in my instant messenger...

Slideshow: Endless Entertainment

Cats are better than cable. What can I say? I mean really, who needs 600 channels of HDTV when you can watch sibling rivalry– of the fluffy variety– unfold right before you, live and 3D. Well for those of you who said, “screw you, you’re nuts, I need my...

Cheap Gas?

I remember when gas was less than $1.00 a gallon. Yeah yeah I know about all you people out there who laugh at my youth while thinking back to the days of 50 cent gasoline, or 15 cent gasoline, or, hell, the horse and buggy days. But back when...

Making some updates…

Not much new to say except that I just added 3 new pictures to my picture gallery bringing the total to a whopping 4 pictures. I’ve been working on something new for my gallery for a while but it isn’t coming along the way i’d like. Eventually, when I...

A Decent Day (for a change)

After a couple of fairly crap filled weeks, I finally stumbled upon what has been, atleast so far, a pretty decent day. Here’s what happened: Rolled out of bed late, showered and did my nails. Since it was a professional day I got to wear jeans and flip flops–...

Baking Brownies

I’m baking brownies for my kiddos tomorrow (Yes, we have school. Catholic schools don’t observe Jewish Holidays). The treat is a reward for coming in second place in the contest to raise money for the victims of the hurricanes. My 10 students alone raised $424. 76! I find this...

500 Posts!

Woohoo! Something Insightful has reached 500 posts! And incase anyone was wondering, when any of the computers I frequent visit my own site, it doesn’t get counted. Those are genuine numbers there! I thank you all for your frequent visitation 🙂...

Shameless Hinting for Comments

I check every day to see if anyone has left me a comment. I have to approve comments manually because if I didn’t, I’d have excessive quantites of links to online casinos and porn. So the other day I deleted over 70 spam comments. Not one from a person...

A Prayer for the World

**I can’t take credit for this. But I find it to be fitting, especially right now** A Prayer for the World Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt,...