Author: EMB


Well it has been the type of day you never forget and I mean that in a really good way. This promises to be a long entry, mostly because this is for me and I don’t want to forget it. I guess you could say it kinda all started...

I Actually Did It!

When I started this process over 3 years ago there was a big part of me that never saw myself actually finishing. I remember sitting there with a stack of GRE words in my lap night after night thinking, well I’ll just keep at this but I won’t get...

Our First Trip to the Pediatric ER

Well the title says it all. Yesterday, January 30, 2010 marks our first trip to the hospital for an Andrew injury. He made it exactly 1 year, 5 months 1 week and 6 days. Which isn’t a record overall but sure is for our family. I can only imagine...

Routine, Ah Sweet Routine

It’s 11 days into the new year and you know what? My house is still clean and relatively organized. I am still on top of my todo list and despite the fact that I’m enrolled in my last and supposedly hardest course of my graduate degree, I am right...

Mr. Potato Head Massacre

Several years ago, we went to Downtown Disney around Christmas time which is one of my favorite things to do. This is before we had Andrew and really before we were even thinking about kids but we went into the giant toy store anyway. They had this humongous display...

When Motherhood and Teaching Collide

My mom used to tell me that becoming a mother would change me as a teacher. Of course motherhood changes you as a person first and foremost but she assured me that it would make me see things differently. I accepted that she was probably right and went on...

Rest in Peace Sweet Dusty Cat

It’s funny how strongly some memories stay in your mind. It was a little over 8 years ago, Summer 2001. I was getting ready to go back up to Gainesville for what would end up being a very trying semester. Summer 2001 was still a time of innocence. So...

Dear Economy

Dear American Economy, You have sucked for a while and I have been trying endlessly to spend my money to help you out but you insist on repeatedly making the same mistakes. No I’m not talking about bank failures and the mortgage crisis, I’m talking about basic consumer products....

Random Thoughts

This will be random, I assure you. So I got the RSS feed working again. I posted about it on Facebook so probably that is not news to any of my readers. I hate the fact that I get so completely obsessed with getting things right to the point...

I’m workin’ On It.

I hate when I get started on stuff for this blog. It’s too late for me to fix it right now. It will probably need to be entirely revamped. Keep checking back. I like to torture myself. It will be fixed eventually....