Author: EMB

Let’s Do 52! Week 3

Remember the feeling of your first time riding a real bike? The way the breeze gently lifted your hair and cooled your face; the thrilling sensation of soaring faster than you had ever moved by the power of your own body. Learning how to ride a bike is a...

Change Your Mind

When I was pregnant with Andrew, my mom told me that being a mom would make me a better teacher. She said it would help me relate better to the students. What she never mentioned was how it would help me relate to the parents. Maybe that went without...

Why It’s Worth It

I don’t know if it’s just that I’m more tuned into it but it seems like there has been a rash of anti-kid news lately. If it’s not someone getting angry looks for breastfeeding in public it’s airlines and restaurants contemplating “kid-free” areas and times of day. Now I...

Let’s Do 52! Week 2

Look at that! two weeks in a row and you have a blog update post from me, plus a new picture which, I hope my husband doesn’t mind that he is a part of this one. I couldn’t help but grab my camera yesterday morning when I walked in...

Let’s Do 52! Week 1

I so wanted to do this last year when I first found out about it but last year I was newly pregnant and very sick, dealing with a partly potty trained toddler, working full time and surviving with a husband who was traveling more often than not. I vowed...

Another New Year’s Eve

In December of 2004 this blog was born in a small, dingy apartment just off a state road in Bordentown, New Jersey. Snow covered the ground while two young twenty-something Florida kids, because yes we still saw ourselves as kids, sat inside pathetically bundled in winter coats and gloves...

I Hope He Remembers

A few months ago, I was watching an Oprah episode on happiness. I didn’t see the whole thing but I recall a part of it where the guest explained that when you buy something new, the happiness surrounding that purchase only lasts 9 months. This was an interesting thing...

Who Am I Now?

Before I was a mother, I was a teacher. Technically, before I was a wife, I was a teacher too. For the last 7 years a huge part of my life has been my career. I spent 3 of those years and a large sum of money earning my...

Mommy, where’s the sun? :: Giving Kids Better Answers

I’m a firm believer in finding answers. I never take “I don’t know” as a response from my students or myself for that matter. When my students ask me a question I don’t know the answer to I look it up, usually right then and there. I’ve come to...

The Opposite of Writer’s Block

I guess results in the same outcome– nothing. I have had so much to say for so long and yet never find the time or display the decision making ability to sit down and actually pick a topic and blog. I  have  many friends with blogs and they are...