Author: EMB

Confessions of a Gymboree Addict

I was at the mall the other day. It was just one of those trips to kill some time before picking Andrew up from school. There I was, pushing the stroller slowly through the fairly empty shops, contemplating the purchase of a Starbucks Frappuccino when all of the sudden...

Let’s Do 52! Understanding

After months of self initiated practice of letter sounds I decided it was time to take the plunge and try a reading lesson with Andrew. Despite the fact that I am endlessly teaching my kids stuff, I don’t typically do any sort of formal instruction. But, I figured it...

Mom-olosophy 101

Shortly before I left the classroom for the last time back in June of 2011 I started thinking about my new career as a stay at home mom. The opportunity to take a yearlong maternity leave was a chance for me to really grow as a parent but at...

Let’s Do 52! Carefree

Silly me for planning a trip to Disney later in the year. Silly me because the best thing on the planet it already in our house, in our bathroom to be exact. In what was really my own effort to get the kids to bed more quickly one night,...

Let’s Do 52! Love

The other day, the four of us arrived home. Allison was sleeping in her carseat and Andrew went immediately to start playing with some toys. A and I went upstairs to put things away. Now let me be clear, I trust Andrew to be alone with his sister. No...


I’m not sure how to describe the events of the last few weeks. I continue trying to describe my trip to Italy but I am running out of superlatives and “amazing” and “incredible” seem to fall short. It was a spiritual journey, one where I feel a deeper connection...

Let’s Do 52! Novelty

We learned the hard way that Andrew (kids in general) need a lot of prep when a parent is traveling. About a year ago, we had a string of a few months where our good sleeper started waking multiple times a night and was constantly on edge and cranky...

Let’s Do 52! Good-byes

I look at this picture and admittedly the quality is pretty poor. But I think about this picture from everything else but a photographic stand point and it’s one of my favorites. There I was, in one of the most beautiful, spiritual, and ancient cities in the world and...

The Double Standard

Most if not all of my readers probably know that I just got back from a 9-day trip to Italy. It was without a doubt one of the most amazing and spiritual experiences of my life, right up there with the birth of my children. But I missed my...

Let’s Do 52! Week 4

Well I intended this picture to be about Allison and to document her first taste of solid foods. In a way it does accomplish that. Unlike Andrew on his first solid food adventure, she did not cry or act surprised or worried. Instead she just accepted the sweet potatoes...