Author: EMB

My Christmas Song Top 10

A couple years ago, we were driving somewhere as usual, and Molly casually asked me my favorite Christmas song. I’m accustomed to hearing all manner of questions from the kids, but I’ll be the first to say this one rendered me speechless. I’m pretty sure in that moment, if...

Everything Old is New.

Back in December of 2004 I was a 24 year old, fairly newly married wife of an Air Force Lieutenant who lived in Florida as a teacher while my husband traveled the world stationed out of New Jersey. That year, shortly after Christmas, we went up to New Jersey...

Isolation | Part 2 of ?

This morning I got woken up by a small person at 6:20am. I realized that on any other Thursday morning I’d be up, dressed, yelling at kids, making my lunch, pouring coffee, you know basically doing normal morning things. Instead, I rolled over and attempted to go back to...

Isolation | Part 1 of ?

On Monday I told the kids I wanted them to do an assignment. They loudly complained since it is technically their spring break right now but I told them I wanted them to keep a journal which will be a primary source document for future generations as what we...

Giving Up Shopping for Lent | Final Update

Happy Easter (a little late)! Lent is over! I saw this through to the end but then forgot to update. When I was asked by the 5th person how things went I figured it was probably best to write a final post. So did I make it? The strictest...

Giving Up Shopping for Lent | Update 4

Well it’s been over a month since I started this endeavor. I confess I did fall of the wagon so to speak, just a little bit, last week. As my husband joked, yeah, you really went to town there! I got a fantastic coupon for school uniforms which have...

Giving Up Shopping For Lent | Update 3

This is hard y’all. I have always loved shopping and even when I don’t really have the money to shop I have still enjoyed browsing. I love walking through stores and getting ideas for future projects. Good, bad, or indifferent, I get a small thrill from buying something fun...

Giving Up Shopping for Lent | Update 2

Well accountability in this form sure is a powerful motivator! This week continued to go well as far as shopping goes but I did have to make an exception. I went ahead and bought more carpet cleaning solution for our machine. Most everyone in our house suffers from allergies...

Giving Up Shopping for Lent | Update 1

Well today is Sunday so it’s my normal grocery day. I didn’t make a list, I didn’t load the kids into the car, I didn’t spend an hour+ at Target getting groceries. I didn’t spend time unloading and putting them all away (or yelling at the kids to do...

Giving Up Shopping for Lent

I haven’t really used this platform regularly in a while but then on February 13th I announced that I was giving up shopping for Lent. My post read: For the sake of accountability… This year I’m giving up shopping for Lent- that’s ALL shopping including groceries. I took one...